In accordance with agreements with the National Health Insurance Fund, Antakalnis Outpatient Clinic provides the following services free of charge as they are compensated by the CHIF:
- primary outpatient personal healthcare services. They are provided to all patients who are covered by compulsory health insurance in accordance with the procedure established by law and who are in the list of residents registered with the Outpatient Clinic;
- secondary outpatient healthcare services. They are provided to patients who are covered by compulsory health insurance in accordance with the procedure established by law and who have a referral for a consultation from a doctor (except for dermatovenereologist who is providing secondary healthcare services);
- emergency medical care. Such care is provided free of charge for all permanent residents, regardless of whether or not they are covered by compulsory health insurance.
Emergency medical care is also provided to foreign nationals. To benefit from this entitlement, EU nationals must present a valid proof of identity and national health insurance, namely, a European Health Insurance Card, a temporary replacement certificate, or an E123 or DA1 certificate (which confirm the person’s entitlement to receive emergency medical care in the case of an accident at work).
Nationals of other foreign countries who do not have a European Health Insurance Card should pay for emergency care according to the basic rates for these services approved by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania.
Free personal healthcare services, except for emergency medical care, are provided only after verification that the person is covered by compulsory health insurance.
You can check whether you are insured on the website of the National Health Insurance Fund www.vlk.ltTHE LIST OF INDIVIDUAL HEALTH CARE SERVICES FINANCED WITH THE COMPULSORY HEALTH INSURANCE FUND BUDGET